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Management planning, oversight and implementation services for forests, habitats, invasive plants. 

You've done your inventories, identified your objectives and developed your plans. Now you are ready to act. Northern Stewards can help you develop management strategies,  contracts, and project oversight, implementation, and coordination. Projects include timbersale administration, timber stand improvements, invasive plant management, habitat management, tree and shrub plantings, ecological restoration or trail maintenance and creation.

Management: Service

Management Services

Forest Harvest Administration

A Healthy Forest is not by accident.

We can help with any or all aspects of harvest planning and administration. Delineating harvest boundaries, marking trees, locating landings and log roods, developing contracts, finding loggers or operators, insure successful completion of operations. All while protecting ecological resources and our life within the forest.

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Non-Native Invasive Plant Management

Keep forests healthy.

There are a variety of tools available to help control non-native invasive plants. Once you have decided that action is needed, Northern Stewards can help with direct removal using mechanical or chemical methods. Northern Stewards is licensed as an herbicide applicator in Vermont and can work with you to keep your forests healthy. Sooner the better.


Habitat Management Administration

For the birds (and others)

You know which critters you like. You know the habitats they need and how they're going to get there. Northern Stewards will help you coordinate and implement your habitat management goals. We're after the basics. Providing food, water, cover and access and the complex; improving unique species and habitats and connectivity. Northern Stewards specializes in providing habitats for rare, threatened or endangered wildlife species and game animals.


Forest Stand Improvement Projects

Investing in your Woodlands

A necessity as a woodland owner.  Forest health and quality can improve greatly through small scale thoughtful forest stand improvement projects. You have maples or young spruce that need more access to sunlight, beech that is overtaking the understory or forests that need just a little thinning to improve growth. Don't wait. Northern Stewards can help.

We'll even get behind a chainsaw and tractor for jobs not suited for commercial operations.

Crop tree release.

Small scale firewood harvests for you. 

Mast tree release.

Pre-commercial thinning

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